If you are already an MOT tester, you can take the Annual Assessment for 2024/25.


We are committed to supporting your career, because we want you to be at your best.

Skills and Education Group Quality

  • We’re part of a charitable organisation
  • Unparalleled customer service
  • Highly experienced support team
  • We listen to you

We Save You Money

  • £35 Annual Assessment fee
  • No hidden/added charges
  • No membership fees
  • Bulk discount on purchases of 20+ assessments
  • Safe and secure online payments through Stripe

Free Training Resources

  • Easy access to all study resources
  • Easy to use organisational resources
  • No costly, unnecessary training programmes

Business to Business Excellence

  • Comprehensive business support
  • Simple, streamlined communications
  • Bulk discount on purchases of more than 20 assessments
  • Established, committed and connected


Click on a question below to get more information.

Want to become an MOT tester for Light Vehicles or Motorcycles?+

If you are not an MOT tester, there are different routes to becoming one. You can:

Are you already an MOT Tester?+

If you are already an MOT tester and you want to take your Annual Assessment, you can:

Want to qualify to Level 3?+

If you would like to become a Test Centre Manager, you can:

Want to become an MOT trainer?+

If you want to become an MOT trainer, you will need to:

  • Have sufficient knowledge and skills in the subject matter being taught to MOT testers
  • Have gained the qualification which you want to teach, or have completed relevant MOT training recognised by Skills and Education Group Awards. This includes DVSA delivered training or onboarding sessions delivered by Skills and Education Group Awards or another DVSA approved awarding organisation.
  • Complete the Annual Training required by the DVSA (but, as an MOT trainer, you do not have to take the Annual Assessment required of MOT testers, unless you also wish to be a practising MOT tester).
  • Apply for a position at an MOT Testing Centre or training provider.
  • For the MOT tester qualifications, you will also need to be a current or previous MOT tester or have previously delivered DVSA MOT tester courses.

Your training will require:

  • A Skills and Education Group Awards moderator to visit your site to train you OR
  • You will need to be a Skills and Education Group Awards Recognised Centre to deliver the qualifications. If you have not delivered regulated qualifications before, we may need to carry out a site visit which will incur a one-off fee. You can find out more by visiting our website.

Want to take your VTAA?+

What is the Vehicle Technicians Accredited Assessment?

The Vehicle Technicians Accredited Assessment (VTAA) recognises the equivalent of Level 3 knowledge and skills for technicians who do not hold a formal qualification.

If you’re a motor vehicle technician who has worked in your role for four or more years, you can take the VTAA to prove your capabilities at Level 3.

Successful completion of the VTAA means that technicians, without a Level 3 qualification, can progress to a Level 2 Award in MOT Testing (Classes 4 and 7) or Level 2 Award in MOT Testing (Classes 1 and 2) and go on to gain DVSA recognition for MOT testing under the new requirements.

What do I need to know to take the VTAA?

To complete the VTAA, you must complete four practical assessments for each of the following National Occupational Standards areas:

  • Brakes
  • Suspension, steering, wheels and tyres
  • Emissions
  • Electrics

In total, you will complete 20 tasks.

If you take the VTAA, you will also need to complete an online knowledge assessment consisting of 10 questions for each module (a total of 50 questions). The modules are:

  • Brakes
  • Suspension
  • Steering, wheels and tyres
  • Emissions
  • Electrics

What score do I need to pass the VTAA?

You must score 60% to pass.

Want to do the VTAA?

To find out more about where you can enrol for the assessment, please contact us on 0115 854 1398 or email MOT@skillsedugroup.co.uk.




The new MOT Annual Assessment for 2024/25 is now available.

As an MOT tester, you must:

• Complete a minimum of 3 hours of training each year and 16 hours over 5 years.

• Keep a record of your training.

• Book and take your assessment.

• Record your assessment result.

How much is it?

For individuals, the Annual Assessment costs:




Want to know what you should study for? Click here.

Annual Training

Want to know about your minimum training requirements and the mandatory elements? Click here.

What’s on the Assessment?

On the 2024/25 Annual Assessment, there are 30 online multiple choice questions. You can take the test any time – at home, at work, or at a designated Skills and Education Group Awards Centre. To pass, you must score 80%.

Check out some sample questions on the DVSA website.

Each year, DVSA publishes an Annual Training SyllabusYou should use this document to explain the mandatory elements that are in the assessment. The Annual Assessment also includes new information from MOT special notices, additional information published by the DVSA, and MOT inspection standards and procedures for your relevant vehicle class.

What if I want to pay for more than one Assessment at a time?

If you represent a garage that wants to pay for tests for more than one of your staff members, you can pay for multiple tests adding up to 20 or more all at once instead of making multiple single transactions. Please call 0115 854 1398. We will send you an invoice, and once we receive your payment, our team will issue you with the voucher codes which will allow you to access the Annual Assessment.  

How do I show that I have passed the Assessment?

If you pass the Annual Assessment, you will receive a Certificate of Achievement as proof of your achievement.

What happens if I don’t pass the Annual Assessment?

If you do not pass the Annual Assessment the first time, you can take it again. You are entitled to attempt the assessment on one more occasion as part of your initial £35 fee. To access the assessment for a second time, please email mot@skillsedugroup.co.uk and ask for a resit code quoting your name, DVSA ID and date of birth.


From time to time, the content that you have to study for the Assessment changes. Please look out for Special Notices below in the Annual Training and Resources section for further updates.



Business to Business

Skills and Education Group is a registered charity, and we are dedicated to helping businesses find the most effective solutions to support their employees’ learning and skills requirements. We are here to:

  • Discuss your needs.
  • Help you develop a package that suits your business and your MOT testers.
  • Offer the best value by considering all price match requests.
  • Build and maintain a long-term relationship that supports you, your employees and your business. 
  • Offer discounts on bulk buys of more than 20 Assessments per year.
  • Provide support to your testers if questions arise during the process.

Bulk Buys

To purchase more than 20 Assessments per year, please call our dedicated MOT hotline on 0115 854 1398 to find out how we can best support you.


In addition to taking the Annual Assessment, your employees must complete and record at least three hours training each year to meet the Annual Assessment requirements.

Although there are many ways your business can ensure that your employees complete this training, including by studying on their own, shadowing a workmate, and/or taking a formal course, it must be completed and logged. To do this, your employees can use the Annual Training log found in our resources section. The training hours must cover the mandatory elements outlined in the Annual Training Syllabus.

If you would like more information about more formal training routes for your MOT testers, please contact us.


The Annual Training Syllabus tells you what you need to study for and train on in your training year.

Deliver our Vehicle Technician Accredited Assessment (VTAA)

Your business can deliver the VTAA as a complete accreditation or as individual modules contributing to a full accreditation.

The VTAA can be used to:

  • Show that your technicians have the knowledge and skills expected of someone working at Level 3.
  • Help your technicians without a Level 3 qualification to become qualified to conduct MOTs.
  • Show that your technicians meet the Motor Vehicle Level 3 National Occupational Standards.

The VTAA is not a qualification, but is a specifically designed accreditation and a lifetime achievement, meaning that once your technicians have successfully completed the VTAA, they will be considered equivalent to those who have studied to Level 3 via a qualification route.

What does it involve?

To complete the VTAA, your technicians will need to complete four practical assessments in each of the four National Occupational Standards, which are:

  • Brakes
  • Suspension, steering, wheels and tyres
  • Emissions
  • Electrics

They will be required to complete 16 tasks, each of which will have its own resource documents providing guidance and instruction. They will also need to complete an online knowledge assessment consisting of 10 multiple choice questions for each module (50 questions in total), pass with a score of 60%, and achieve at least 6 out of 10 in each module.

To deliver VTAA call us today on 0115 854 1398.




For the latest updates and special notices, please visit the DSVA website here.



Please note we now use ‘Stripe’ – a safe and secure online payment method. If you have any questions, please contact us at mot@skillsedugroup.co.uk or call 0115 854 1398.



There has recently been a request to clarify the eligibility requirements for becoming a Tester.

These requirements are listed on the DVSA website and located in Section E in the MOT Testing Guide, (paragraph E2 Eligibility for becoming a Tester, sub paragraph 1.b).

The statement that reads “be a skilled mechanic that has at least four years full time employment in the service and repair of the vehicle types to be tested” has been given further clarification by DVSA and presented as two different scenarios:

Scenario 1 – Apprentice mechanic who attends college one day a week, the remainder of the week is spent in the employed workshop environment, and becomes qualified, would be accepted after 4 years.

Scenario 2 – Candidates who attend full time college courses. The period of time at a college (one or two years), would NOT be accepted as part of the 4 years’ experience, even if employed whilst in full time education.


Click on a section below to find related questions

+ About being an MOT Tester +

Important information for MOT Testers

You must complete training and pass the assessment by 31 March 2025. The annual assessment must be carried out solely by the tester.

If you do not pass and record your assessment result by the deadline, you will be suspended in the MOT testing service.

You will not be able to carry out any further MOT tests until you have:

  • Done next year’s training and passed that annual assessment
  • Taken and passed an MOT demonstration test with DVSA

This could mean you’re unable to test for some time.

It’s important that you complete the assessment in plenty of time before the deadline.

Please ensure you supply us with your correct date of birth, full name and DVSA ID. Upon completion of your Annual Assessment, your details and result are passed to the DVSA to populate the MOT Testing Service as you can no longer manually input your certificate details. Any incorrectly supplied information will mean your MOT Testing Service account will not be updated and you could risk being suspended on 1 April 2025.

What are the new MOT requirements?

  • To become an MOT tester, you must take a Level 2 Award in MOT Testing.
  • If you are already an MOT tester, you must complete a minimum of three hours of Annual Training each year and complete an Annual Assessment to maintain your testing status.
  • MOT testers will no longer need to attend a five-year refresher course.

Will I have to complete an MOT qualification if I am already an MOT tester?

  • All current MOT testers (those who have been previously assessed by the DVSA) do not have to complete the new qualification.
  • All MOT testers have to complete the Annual Assessment and relevant Annual Training.

Once I’ve completed the Level 2 Award in MOT Testing, will I be able to take the MOT tests immediately?

DVSA will carry out a final check  after the qualification has been awarded for authorising testers. Successful candidates will be entered onto the MOT Testing Service and will be deemed to have achieved a Certificate of Competence, although no physical certificate will be awarded.

If I want to be an MOT tester for multiple vehicle classes, will I need to complete more than one qualification?

Yes. Each of the Level 2 Awards in MOT Testing is for a specific vehicle class. The DVSA have also announced a new approach for Class 3 and 5 training. Please see the Special Notice on their website.

+ About the Annual Assessment +

How much does the Assessment cost?

For individuals, it costs £35 all inclusive.

How much does it cost to do tests for both classes of vehicles?

Each Assessment costs £35 all inclusive.

If I buy more than one test at once, is it cheaper?

The cost per Assessment up to 19 is £35 all inclusive. For more than 20 Assessments, call us on 0115 854 1398 to discuss a discounted price.

Do I have to pay again if I fail the Assessment?

If you do not pass the Annual Assessment the first time, you can take it again. You are entitled to attempt the assessment on one more occasion as part of your initial £35 fee. To access the assessment for the second time, please email mot@skillsedugroup.co.uk and ask for a resit code quoting your name, DVSA ID and date of birth.

How do I pay for the Assessment?

You can pay for one Assessment at a time using Stripe. Alternatively, if you wish to purchase multiple Assessments, please call 0115 854 1398.

What will the MOT Annual Assessment look like? How many questions are there?

The online Annual Assessment will contain 30 multiple choice questions which cover topics from:

  • The DVSA’s Annual Training Syllabus
  • MOT Special Notices
  • MOT inspection standards and procedures for the relevant vehicle class

For each question, you must pick your answers from a list of options. One option will be correct.

You are given a maximum of 60 minutes to complete the test.

Do you offer practice Assessments?

No, but the DVSA offers some sample questions here.

What kind of questions are asked?

Each year, the DVSA publishes an Annual Training Syllabus outlining the main parts of the Assessment for you to study.

Where can I sit the MOT Annual Assessment?

The Annual Assessment is online and can be completed anywhere you have internet access, including in your own home, at work, at a local library or at a Skills and Education Group Awards Centre.

What score do I need to pass the MOT Annual Assessment?

You will need to score 80% or more in order to pass the Annual Assessment.

What if I have technical difficulties during the MOT Annual Assessment?

If you have any difficulties or require support during the MOT Annual Assessment, please contact us on 0115 854 1398 or email mot@skillsedugroup.co.uk. A member of our team will be happy to help you.

Will I have to take MOT Annual Assessments for each vehicle class?

Yes. There are separate MOT Annual Assessments for the following vehicle classes:

  • 1 and 2 (Group A)
  • 3, 4, 5 and 7 (Group B)

If you test vehicles in both group A and group B, you need to study all the topics. You also need to train for at least six hours a year (instead of three) and take two annual assessments.

What do I do, if I have completed the Annual Assessment but have been suspended?

If you completed the 2022/23 Annual Assessment and have been suspended from testing, you will need to:

  • Provide electronic photographic evidence of your training log.
  • Provide electronic photographic evidence of your assessment certificate.

Once you have your evidence gathered, email it to mot@dvsa.gov.uk with ‘suspension’ in the subject box. Include your MOT Testing Service User ID in the email. After the certificate information has been verified, your status to test will be reinstated.

What do I do, if I forgot to take the Annual Assessment?

If you have forgotten to take the 2022/23 Annual Assessment you will have been suspended from testing. If you did not complete the Assessment, the option to do so has expired. You are required to:

  • Complete the Annual Training and Assessment for 2023/24.
  • Provide electronic photographic evidence of your training log.
  • Provide electronic photographic evidence of your assessment certificate.
  • Request a demonstration test and provide the VTS number where you wish the demonstration test to be carried out.
  • Email your evidence and request, to mot@dvsa.gov.uk with suspension in the subject box, along with your MOT Testing Service User ID.

Once you have completed these steps and carried out a satisfactory demonstration test your status to test will be reinstated.

When will I be able to sit next year’s MOT Annual Assessment?

The 2023/24 Annual Assessment is now available. The 2024/25 Annual Assessment will be available from the 1 April 2024.

When will my printed certificate arrive?

If you have passed the Annual Assessment, “A Certificate of Achievement” will be emailed to you within 24 hours.

How do I open my certificate that I receive through email?

Make sure your computer can open PDF documents. If it can’t, you will need to install a programme that allows you to open PDF documents. For example, try downloading Adobe Acrobat Reader which is free.

What if my certificate still hasn’t arrived?

The certificate is sent to the email address you give us. Please check your Junk/Spam folder to see if it has gone in there. If it is not there, please contact us and we will check to make sure we have the correct email information and resend the certificate.

What should I do if my name is spelt wrong on the certificate?

If there is an error, please email us explaining the problem and provide your correct first name and last name and attach the certificate file that we sent you to your email, so that we can address the problem.

Will you give me feedback about my test and/or the answers for the ones I got wrong?

We do not provide feedback on each question, however you will receive information in an email and this will show you the areas in the Inspection Manual that you should study more if you need to retake the Assessment.

+ About Training +

Do I have to do the Annual Training every year?


Why has MOT training changed?

The DVSA has changed the way MOT tester training works. All new MOT testers must now take a nationally recognised qualification. This new system:

  • Increases professionalism
  • Allows MOT testers to choose how they complete their Annual Training
  • Provides an easy-to-use online Annual Assessment which gives instant results

What is the Annual Training Syllabus?

The Annual Training Syllabus is published each year by the DVSA. It shows the topics you will need to know for the Annual Training and MOT Annual Assessment. There is a new syllabus every year and you will be tested on different topics than in the year before.

Where can I do my Annual Training?

The Annual Training can be done in different ways:

  • On your own by studying the MOT inspection manual
  • And/or by completing Annual Training provided by a college, training provider or your employer

Your Annual Training can be completed in small chunks throughout the year or all in one go, depending on how you learn best. All training should add up to at least your minimum three hours. You will need to ensure you record this on your training log.

Does the MOT Annual Assessment count towards my Annual Training?

No, the MOT Annual Assessment is not part of the Annual Training. You must complete both the MOT Annual Assessment and three hours minimum of Annual Training.

How do I record my Annual Training?

Your Annual Training can be recorded in any way you choose, but you may find it easiest to download our Annual Training Log. It’s an easy way to record the topic you have studied and how you did the training.

Are there any additional Annual Training requirements?

Although your minimum Annual Training requirement is three hours, you will need to make sure that you have completed a minimum of 16 hours of training over a period of five years in a row. This means four of the five years will have 3 hours minimum per year and one of the five years will have 4 hours minimum.

Where can I find Annual Training resources?

Please see our resources section.

+ About being an MOT Trainer +

If I want to become an MOT trainer, what are the requirements?

If you want to become an MOT trainer, you will need to:

  • Apply for a position at an MOT Testing Centre or training provider.
  • Be a current or previous MOT tester, or show that you have previously delivered DVSA MOT tester courses.
  • Have gained the MOT qualification you intend to deliver or show you have completed relevant training such as DVSA delivered training.
  • Complete the Annual Training required by the DVSA (but, as an MOT trainer, you do not have to take the Annual Assessment required of MOT testers, unless you also wish to be a practising MOT tester).

What are the requirements to becoming a training centre?

You will need to attend DVSA approved training before you can train others. Your training will require:

  • A visit from a Skills and Education Group Awards moderator to train you or, if available, attendance at a one-day (chargeable) onboarding event at our offices in Nottingham. To find out more information, please speak to a member of our team by calling 0115 854 1398.

You will also need to be a Skills and Education Group Awards Recognised Centre to deliver the qualifications. We charge an annual fee of £400 plus VAT. If you have not delivered qualifications before, we may need to carry out a site visit which will incur a one-off fee. You can find out more by visiting the Skills and Education Group Awards website.

+ About the Qualifications +

What do the different levels mean?

The Level 2 Award in MOT Testing (Classes 1 and 2) is generally for people who want to test motorcycles.

The Level 2 Award in MOT Testing (Classes 4 and 7) is generally for people who want to test cars.

The Level 3 Award in MOT Test Centre Management is for people who want to run an MOT station.

How do the qualification tests work?

The Level 2 Award test has two parts. You must pass both a practical test and an onscreen test to get your full certificate.

The Level 3 Award test has one part. You must pass the onscreen test to get a full certificate.

Where can I take my qualification test?

There are many Centres around the country that can deliver qualification tests. You can contact us for more information about a Centre near you.

How much does it cost?

Prices are different depending on the Centre where you get your qualification.

How long does it take to do it?

The amount of time depends on the specific Centre where you get your qualification.

How do I receive my certificate?

If you have successfully passed all the assessment elements of your qualification, the Centre will claim your achievement through Skills and Education Group Awards. Upon a successful claim, Skills and Education Group Awards will publish a Digital Certificate and your Centre will send you an email notification through their Digital Certificate portal. This email notification will contain instructions to set up a Digital Certificate account and access your certificate. User guides for the Digital Certificate platform can be found here.

What should I do if I haven’t received my certificate yet?

Contact the Centre/training provider where you went for your qualification.

+ Refunds +

Do you provide refunds?

We do not provide refunds if you’ve already attempted the Annual Assessment; however, we appreciate that there may be exceptional circumstances that may entitle you to a refund. In order to request a refund please email mot@skillsedugroup.co.uk with the following information:

  • Full name of tester
  • Email used to purchase the Annual Assessment
  • Date of purchase
  • Telephone number
  • Reason for the refund

A request for a refund will be looked at within seven working days and you will be notified of the outcome. You should note, however, that if a refund is made Stripe can take up to 30 days to process this.